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Trasimeno-søen, vis navn der ifølge sagnet stammer fra Trasimeno, sønnen af Gud Turreno, som under et ophold i dette område lærte Nymfe Agilla at kende og blev forelsket i hende ved første blik.
Men var det ikke muligt for en søn af en Gud at gifte sig med en nymfe, og denne ulyksaligehed forårsagede hans død. Trasimenosøen har altid været anfægtede for sin strategiske position, for områdets skønhed, for det rigdomsgivende vand og dets frugtbare jord. Umbria: “Italiens grønne Hjerte”. Trasimenosøen blev til for ca 600,000 år siden på grund af et overflade kollaps i området.
Trasimenosøen er den største sø på den italienske halvø og ligger på 258 meter over havoverfladen, er af alluvional oprindelse, har et areal på 128 km2 og en dybde på 6 m. Tre øer er opstået på søen: Maggiore, Minore og Polvese. Bortset fra øen Minore, der er utilgængelige, p.g.a. privateje, er de to andre meget godt forbundet med de omkringliggende landsbyer med en daglig færge båd. Polvese, som er den største af de tre øer, er blevet erklæret naturreservat.
Øen har mange interessante historiske landmærker, der omfatter: kirken San Secondo, en borg fra det 14. Århundrede, som blev restaureret for nylig, Porcinai Pool, kirken San Giuliano, og en vandplante have. Maggiore øen er den eneste med en fuldtids befolkning i landsbyen, der stadig bevarer sin fiskerleje arkitektur fra det 15. århundrede.

Castiglione del Lago is the most picturesque town of the lake, its name derived from its Medieval fortress built about during the XIII century and called “Castello del Leone” thanks to its pentagonal form which remember the constellation of the lion. Etruscan village at 305 mt on the sea-level, rises on a calcareous promontory was at the beginning the forth Island of Trasimeno.
There are many monuments to visit here, the most important is probably Palazzo della Corgna widened between XVI and XVII century by Galeazzo Alessi. Inside of the Palace is possible to visit one of the most important paintings of the Umbrian and Tuscan mannerism.
Today thanks to an attentive renovations it is possible to observe the most part of the paintings of Niccolò Circignani, know as Pomerancio. The palace is connected to the fortress via an evocative covered walk-way built at the beginning of XVII century along the external walls. The Medieval fortress, “The Castle of the Lion” was built in accordance with the wishes of Federico II, starting in 1247.
It is in the form of an irregular pentagon with towers at four corners and a 30 mt high triangular keep. One o the most beautiful views in the whole of Trasimeno can be enjoyed from the battlements and towers.
To visit: Palazzo Ducale della Corgna, Castello, chiesa della Maddalena. Not to be missed: Spring Meeting of light craft and hot air-ballons, Coloriamo i Cieli (international kite meeting), Festa del Tulipano.
Passignano sul Trasimeno is a wonderful fortified village on the shores of the Lake Trasimeno, one of the finest villages of the area, where you can breathe fresh air in peace and tranquillity. Over the centuries, Passignano has undergone a remarkable transformation from military outpost to strategic trade place between Umbria and Tuscany.
Don’t miss a romantic and regenerative lake promenade with a fascinating glimpse on the lake and its islands. You can drink something in the local bars and stands and visit the historic centre with its medieval fortress, where you can find the Boat Museum. We suggest you also visit the St. Christopher Catholic Church of the 9th century AD, Madonna dell’Oliveto Church of the 16th century and Maria Santissima dei Miracoli shrine.
Among the events organised in Passignano sul Trasimeno, you shouldn’t miss the renowned Palio delle Barche in July: 4 teams take part in an exciting competition with boats through the streets of the town, recalling the bloody battle of 1495 between the noble families of Perugia of the Baglioni and Oddi. During summertime, Passignano becomes a popular tourist destination with well-equipped beaches and water sports centres.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno has become popular because it rises exactly where the famous battle of the Trasimeno took place in 217 BC, one of the most sanguinary battles of the Second Punic War between the Roman army and the Carthaginian army led by Hannibal. The foundation of the village dates back to the 14th century. In the outskirts, it is interesting to visit Ranieri Castle, which belonged to the family Montemelino and Pieve di Confine and was built at the beginning of the twelfth century.
Near the beach of Tuoro, you can find Campo del Sole, a kind of open air museum with stone sculptures carved by 27 contemporary artists.
From Tuoro, you can take the ferry to Isola Maggiore, which combines a beautiful natural landscape and an interesting historic and artistic heritage of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Along the paths that twist and turn through olive and cypress trees, you can admire beautiful views of the Lake and the hills that surround it.
The four local districts (called “Rioni”) recreate each year the so-called “Ferragosto Torreggiano“, during which many theatrical events are held: the launch of the challenge, the historical parade, the “fourth game” and the chariots race, evoking the famous battle between the Romans and Carthaginians.

Trasimeno-søen, vis navn der ifølge sagnet stammer fra Trasimeno, sønnen af Gud Turreno, som under et ophold i dette område lærte Nymfe Agilla at kende og blev forelsket i hende ved første blik.
Men var det ikke muligt for en søn af en Gud at gifte sig med en nymfe, og denne ulyksaligehed forårsagede hans død. Trasimenosøen har altid været anfægtede for sin strategiske position, for områdets skønhed, for det rigdomsgivende vand og dets frugtbare jord. Umbria: “Italiens grønne Hjerte”. Trasimenosøen blev til for ca 600,000 år siden på grund af et overflade kollaps i området.
Trasimenosøen er den største sø på den italienske halvø og ligger på 258 meter over havoverfladen, er af alluvional oprindelse, har et areal på 128 km2 og en dybde på 6 m. Tre øer er opstået på søen: Maggiore, Minore og Polvese. Bortset fra øen Minore, der er utilgængelige, p.g.a. privateje, er de to andre meget godt forbundet med de omkringliggende landsbyer med en daglig færge båd. Polvese, som er den største af de tre øer, er blevet erklæret naturreservat.
Øen har mange interessante historiske landmærker, der omfatter: kirken San Secondo, en borg fra det 14. Århundrede, som blev restaureret for nylig, Porcinai Pool, kirken San Giuliano, og en vandplante have. Maggiore øen er den eneste med en fuldtids befolkning i landsbyen, der stadig bevarer sin fiskerleje arkitektur fra det 15. århundrede.

Castiglione del Lago is the most picturesque town of the lake, its name derived from its Medieval fortress built about during the XIII century and called “Castello del Leone” thanks to its pentagonal form which remember the constellation of the lion. Etruscan village at 305 mt on the sea-level, rises on a calcareous promontory was at the beginning the forth Island of Trasimeno.
There are many monuments to visit here, the most important is probably Palazzo della Corgna widened between XVI and XVII century by Galeazzo Alessi. Inside of the Palace is possible to visit one of the most important paintings of the Umbrian and Tuscan mannerism.
Today thanks to an attentive renovations it is possible to observe the most part of the paintings of Niccolò Circignani, know as Pomerancio. The palace is connected to the fortress via an evocative covered walk-way built at the beginning of XVII century along the external walls. The Medieval fortress, “The Castle of the Lion” was built in accordance with the wishes of Federico II, starting in 1247.
It is in the form of an irregular pentagon with towers at four corners and a 30 mt high triangular keep. One o the most beautiful views in the whole of Trasimeno can be enjoyed from the battlements and towers.
To visit: Palazzo Ducale della Corgna, Castello, chiesa della Maddalena. Not to be missed: Spring Meeting of light craft and hot air-ballons, Coloriamo i Cieli (international kite meeting), Festa del Tulipano.

Passignano sul Trasimeno is a wonderful fortified village on the shores of the Lake Trasimeno, one of the finest villages of the area, where you can breathe fresh air in peace and tranquillity. Over the centuries, Passignano has undergone a remarkable transformation from military outpost to strategic trade place between Umbria and Tuscany.
Don’t miss a romantic and regenerative lake promenade with a fascinating glimpse on the lake and its islands. You can drink something in the local bars and stands and visit the historic centre with its medieval fortress, where you can find the Boat Museum. We suggest you also visit the St. Christopher Catholic Church of the 9th century AD, Madonna dell’Oliveto Church of the 16th century and Maria Santissima dei Miracoli shrine.
Among the events organised in Passignano sul Trasimeno, you shouldn’t miss the renowned Palio delle Barche in July: 4 teams take part in an exciting competition with boats through the streets of the town, recalling the bloody battle of 1495 between the noble families of Perugia of the Baglioni and Oddi. During summertime, Passignano becomes a popular tourist destination with well-equipped beaches and water sports centres.

Tuoro sul Trasimeno has become popular because it rises exactly where the famous battle of the Trasimeno took place in 217 BC, one of the most sanguinary battles of the Second Punic War between the Roman army and the Carthaginian army led by Hannibal. The foundation of the village dates back to the 14th century. In the outskirts, it is interesting to visit Ranieri Castle, which belonged to the family Montemelino and Pieve di Confine and was built at the beginning of the twelfth century.
Near the beach of Tuoro, you can find Campo del Sole, a kind of open air museum with stone sculptures carved by 27 contemporary artists.
From Tuoro, you can take the ferry to Isola Maggiore, which combines a beautiful natural landscape and an interesting historic and artistic heritage of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Along the paths that twist and turn through olive and cypress trees, you can admire beautiful views of the Lake and the hills that surround it.
The four local districts (called “Rioni”) recreate each year the so-called “Ferragosto Torreggiano“, during which many theatrical events are held: the launch of the challenge, the historical parade, the “fourth game” and the chariots race, evoking the famous battle between the Romans and Carthaginians.

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